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Index Supply

A Better Way to Index Ethereum

It's Simple

There is no indexing step because the entire chain is already indexed.
Any Event. Any Query. Instant results.

↑ Event Signature ↓ SQL Query

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It's Live

Any query can be turned into a Live Query.
Keep your server or your user's browser in sync with SSE.

It's Fast

Our stack is dialed for performance. Your queries will be fast:

ⓘ We run our servers in us-east-2. Dedicated plan includes faster hardware and specific datacenter locations.

It's an API

A simple JSON over HTTP API that is fast and easy to use.

% curl -G \
    --data-urlencode 'chain=8453' \
    --data-urlencode 'query=select "from", "to", tokens from transfer limit 1' \
    --data-urlencode 'event_signatures=Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint tokens)' \
    | jq .

    "block_height": 18479546,
    "result": [[

It's Powerful

Harness the power of SQL with JOINS, SUM, MAX, WHERE, and much more!

SELECT t1."to", t1.tokenId, t1.block_num
FROM transfer t1
-- JOIN transfer to itself
-- and match each row on the left
-- with a row on the right based
-- on: address and tokenId and
-- where the table on the right has a higher
-- block_num than the table on the left.
-- If there is no row with a block_num that is higher
-- the right side of the join will be null.
-- This means that we have the "latest" transfer
-- of the token and the "to"
LEFT JOIN transfer t2
ON    t1.address   = t2.address
AND   t1.tokenId   = t2.tokenId
AND   t1.block_num < t2.block_num
WHERE t1.address   = 0xE81b94b09B9dE001b75f2133A0Fb37346f7E8BA4
AND   t2.tokenId   is null

It's Low Cost

We engineered a system that keeps cost low and we pass the savings on to you!

Get Started

Start building queries for free (rate limited to 5 per minute) on the Query Page. Next you can turn your queries into API requests and use your account's API key for production grade access.

Sign up for an account and start making queries today!